Research Solutions International


Organization of European Union-Related Events / Activities in US States where EU Member States Have Strong Consular Representation - This project involves organization of EU-related events and activities in selected locations in the United States. The objective is to raise awareness about EU policies, the EU's role as an international actor in the economic and political field, and the value of the EU-US relationship. The events/activities highlighted economic, social and cultural connections to Europe, such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), along with their impacts. All activities are developed and implemented in close cooperation with the EU Chairs in each region, in collaboration with local EU Grantees, academic institutions and relevant professional networks. Target audiences include local opinion leaders and decision makers, as well as academic and professional communities and the general public. Client: European Union Delegation to the United States.

Evaluation of the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program - This study provided an assessment of outcomes of the Gilman Scholarship Program funded by the U. S. State Department’s Educational and Cultural Affairs Office. The program's purpose is to encourage a more diverse range of U.S. students to participate in study abroad programs by providing scholarships to help defray costs of these programs, while encouraging students to study in "non-traditional" study abroad countries. The focus of this evaluation was on the effects of program participation on the immediate participants, on their home communities and families, and on their home educational institutions. A mixed-methods study design involved an on-line survey and fieldwork (focus groups and in-depth interviews), and combined statistical sampling with high level qualitative analyses. Client: U.S. Department of State.

Evaluation: A Gender Assessment of Select ECA Programs - This study explored the differences in the impacts of the five programs funded by the U. S. State Department’s Educational and Cultural Affairs Office on their men and women participants. Of interest are the gender differences in participants’ individual attitudes on work, community, and society; their individual behaviors; new knowledge, learning and skills acquisition; application and sharing of program learning; as well as organizational changes and institutional linkages that result from this participation. An integrated, mixed-method design was applied, and included: comprehensive review of extant program data; in-depth interviews with program personnel; an on-line survey of all program participants; and rapid ethnographic assessment techniques with a preparatory phase performed in the United States, followed by field work/site visits utilizing a complement of qualitative data collection techniques (focus groups, observations, in depth key informant interviews). Field work was conducted in:  Latin America; Asia; sub Saharan Africa; and North Africa.  Client: U.S. Department of State.

Assessment of the Impacts of the ACTiVATE Program for Women Entrepreneurs on Participant Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes - This project involved the development of assessment plans to evaluate the impacts of the ACTIVATE Program for Women Entrepreneurs on participant knowledge, skills and attitudes. The ACTIVATE program is designed as a systematic model for business training and mentorship for mid-career women, with the goal of assisting them in commercializing technology and intellectual property that is developed by universities and federal laboratories. A mixed-method approach was applied in this evaluation, with the baseline, mid-point and post-program survey instruments designed to collect both quantitative and qualitative data from the program participants. Client: Path Forward Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Inc. (PFCIE)

Genetics and Common Disease: Research with Primary Care Physicians This study involved in-depth interviews with health care providers to assess their knowledge and information needs about genetic testing, and perceived information needs about genetic testing in general, and direct-to-consumer genetic testing in particular, among patients. Client: Academy for Educational Development (AED).

NCI Exhibit Program Evaluation: Feasibility Study - This study assessed feasibility of a full scale evaluation of the National Cancer Institute’s Booth Exhibit Program. A logic model and evaluation templates were developed, and a mixed method design involving both qualitative and quantitative methods was proposed. Three research scenarios were developed, for three different levels of funding. Client: Academy for Educational Development (AED).






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